Hello! My name is Maisie Wilson, and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as the new Welcome and Inclusion Officer here at Kyra. This is a brand-new role, and I’m excited to dive in and start making a difference.

In this post, I’ll be sharing a bit about myself, my journey to Kyra, and what my role involves. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better and contributing to the wonderful community we have here.

How I came to Kyra

First, I’d love to share a bit about how I came to Kyra. I’ve always had a strong interest in social justice and charity work – and I actually started out as a Samaritan in York. Then while I was at uni, I got involved with the Converge program, which provides creative classes—like photography, film, and creative writing—to people struggling with their mental health. I worked on a short film class and absolutely loved it.

My passion for social justice also shaped my studies. I spent three years studying Criminology as an undergraduate, and now I’m in the middle of an MA in Environment and Social Justice. All of these experiences naturally led me to Kyra.

I first heard about this great place through my sister, Alice, who used to volunteer here on drop-in sessions. She would always tell me how heartwarming and brilliant it was—women working together to support each other. I was so inspired that I started volunteering myself, helping out at the Thursday drop-ins and with the Rose group, which caters to our 18-25-year-old members. When the opportunity came up to become the Welcome and Inclusion Officer, I knew it was the perfect fit.

What I do here

Now, let me tell you a bit about what I do as the Welcome and Inclusion Officer here at Kyra. My main job is to make sure that everyone who comes through our doors feels welcomed, valued, and part of the Kyra community. That can mean a lot of different things on any given day! Sometimes I’m helping out with sessions if they’re understaffed, making sure everything runs smoothly and everyone’s getting the support they need. Other times, I’m busy booking members onto different activities and managing schedules so that everyone has access to the opportunities they’re interested in.

I’m also here to support both our members and staff around the site, whether that’s lending a hand with something practical or just being a friendly face to chat with. My role is all about fostering that sense of belonging that’s so central to what Kyra stands for—making sure that everyone feels like they have a place here and that their voices are heard.

Hopes for the future

As with any new role, starting as the Welcome and Inclusion Officer at Kyra has been a mix of excitement and a few nerves. I’ve definitely felt that pressure of wanting to do the best possible job, even when I’m not entirely sure how to do that just yet. But what’s made all the difference is how incredibly lovely and welcoming everyone here has been—whether it’s the members, volunteers, or staff, everyone’s been so supportive.

Looking ahead, I’m really excited to keep growing with Kyra. My goal is to continue building that warm, inclusive environment that makes this place so special. I’d also love to dive deeper into my studies and eventually pursue a PhD, focusing on charities that provide for single-sex communities, like Kyra for women and Menfulness for men here in York. It’s such important work, and I’m eager to contribute even more in the future.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for taking the time to read about my journey and role at Kyra! We’re excited to kick off this weekly blog series, so keep an eye out for future posts where we’ll dive into the different projects our amazing team is working on. If you’re inspired to get involved—whether through support, volunteering, or becoming a member—we’d love to have you.