Meet Sherrie, one of the most vivacious and bubbly members of the Kyra team. Sherrie brings her boundless energy and empathy to everything she does. In this blog, we’ll dive into the three key projects Sherrie is passionately involved in—Rose, Rose+, and Route to Recovery—showcasing the incredible impact she’s making in the lives of so many women.

Rose Group

Five years ago, Sherrie had a vision to create a space where young women aged 18-25 could find support, understanding, and a sense of community. That vision became the Rose group, and under Sherrie’s guidance, it has grown into a thriving community where young women can connect and share their experiences.

The Rose group has done some amazing things over the years, from petting llamas and donkeys on a recent farm trip, to a powerful photography project where members captured images that reflected their personal mental health journeys. They’ve also enjoyed trips to a trampoline park, baking sessions, and even running their own quizzes—there’s always something fun and meaningful happening at the Rose group.

Sherrie’s passion and empathy have truly shaped the Rose group into what it is today. She understands that young women often face unique challenges—like university pressures, landing that first job, or moving out for the first time—and she’s created a space where they can feel supported and understood. Just a few months ago, the group celebrated its 5th birthday with a party, a testament to its growth and success.

Sherrie’s Work on the Route to Recovery Project

Sherrie also plays a crucial role in the Route to Recovery project, a four-year program funded by the National Lottery, designed to help 240 women recover from domestic abuse or mental ill health. Working closely with Molly Charnock, Sherrie supports participants by guiding them through the Programme—and offering access to professional counselling and Kyra’s activities. Sherrie’s empathy and dedication have made a real difference, as one participant shared: “I didn’t realise what an impact this place would have, it’s life-changing already, and you can see that in the other women too. It does feel like a safe space.”

The New Rose+ Group

Sherrie’s latest project at Kyra is the Rose+ group, designed to support women aged 26 to 30 (you can join from 25½). This new social drop-in group offers a welcoming space for crafts, chats, and connecting with others of a similar age. It’s a perfect way to promote positive mental well-being in a safe and supportive environment. Building on the success of the original Rose group, Sherrie envisions Rose+ as a natural progression, providing continued support as members navigate new life stages. Her aspiration is to create another vibrant community that complements Kyra’s broader mission of empowerment and inclusion.

Sherrie’s dedication and vibrant spirit have had a profound impact on the Kyra community, making her an invaluable part of our team.

We encourage you to learn more about the Rose groups and Route to Recovery project, and to consider getting involved or supporting Kyra’s ongoing work. A heartfelt thank you to Sherrie and to everyone who supports our mission.